JUST ADDED to The Shop: The Artist's Pricing Manual + Workshop

Featured Artist: Christel Astakhoff

This week we are thrilled to recognize Artist in Residence Christel Astakhoff and her work! We have loved to see the changes in her posting strategy over the last few months on Instagram and are looking forward to how she implements even more of our program in the new year!

Christel's work celebrates the beach, constantly inviting the person looking at her work to be transported to a sunny day floating along in the water. We love how she's created a strong brand with her color palette and stylistic choices, but still has so much variety in her work! These differences can really help your audience latch on to the piece they must have, but the cohesiveness of her brand helps her audience want to stay along for the ride, too. They know what they can expect from her new collections and that builds so much trust with her work. Her photography is really strong on her website, from a variety of angles, displayed as part of the collection so you can a sense of scale and more. We love the photo we included for her portrait for the same reasons! Seeing Christel in so much of her photos and Reels on her feed is refreshing, too. We love how she's really leaned into video content with her in the shot and hope it will inspire you in your future posts, too! 

To connect with Christel and learn more about her work, visit her Instagram and check out her website!
